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The Wasabi Warriors app is an application developed by Sushi to host small community events.
The main event we play is called “Wasabi Warriors”, where we play custom small matches (swift-play format) with random teams and random agents! This is a great way to meet new people in the community, find out how all the agents in Valorant work, and overal just to have a good time with the rest of the community! All ranks are allowed to join and we go on “good-vibes-only” mode. The app takes care of balancing and the games are short, so hop in/out of the eventlobby whenever you want! Just be sure to have fun!

The following features are currently developed into WaWa:


  • Player Storage
    Storing usernames, tags and ranks of the community members so their stats are tracked to their account.
  • Match Creation
    Creating matches with all sorts of options such as: choice of map, random agents enabled, agent rerolls, map rerolls etc.
  • Datafile Processing
    Download last X games from player Y from the official Valorant API’s so we get the data we need to sync up the statistics.
  • Event History
    All stats from historical events in one overview. From all player statistics (k/d/a and such) to event statistics (amount of players, games, totalscores etc).
  • Match History
    Processed datafiles will be converted to matches, which are saved under an event ID. After an event is finished the event can be closed and individual matches can be checked out as well.
  • Player rank updating
    Update ranks for selected players before starting events to make sure balancing is still valid.
  • Sitout logic
    To make sure it’s not always the same people sitting out when there’s a couple too many players.

For a full changelog of the application, see the #wasabi-warriors-app channel in Discord!
The discord channel has the most recent code-commits (in human language 😉).
Some images of the application below: